Blockchain Lab - Blog

What are the benefits of cryptocurrencies?

What are the benefits of cryptocurrencies?

What are the benefits of cryptocurrencies? Blockchains were first created for use in cryptocurrencies. The very first blockchain…

Analysis of potential NFT applications

Analysis of potential NFT applications

Analysis of potential NFT applications The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market has seen a huge leap in popularity in…

Student Papers

Undergraduate papers

Nikola Filipović: The Banking ecosystem based on blockchain

Undergraduate student Nikola Filipović defended his final paper with the title The Banking ecosystem based on blockchain. Abstract: Blockchain...

Ana-Marija Đurić: A Web3 electronic bookstore application

Undergraduate student Ana-Marija Đurić defended her final paper with the title A Web3 electronic bookstore application Abstract: Web3 technologies...

Milica Tomić: Examining the readiness to apply blockchain technology in healthcare

Undergraduate student Milica Tomić defended her final paper with the title Examining the readiness to apply blockchain technology in...

Danica Sovtić: Examination of consumer readiness for the application of blockchain technology in the fashion industry

Undergraduate student Danica Sovtić defended her final paper with the title Examination of consumer readiness for the application of...

Aleksandra Trpkov: Examining the readiness of stakeholders for the application of blockchain technology in the fashion industry

Undergraduate student Alekandra Trpkov defended her final paper with the title Examining the readiness of stakeholders for the application of...

Marko Savićević: Development of the visual identity of the scientific research laboratory

Design is becoming more and more important for every type of business day by day, and for that reason it was chosen as the topic of this paper. The...

Master theses

Katarina Šikman: Application of Virtual Fashion Design in the Metaverse

Graduate student Katarina Šikman defended her master thesis with the title Application of Virtual Fashion Design in the Metaverse Abstract: The...

Ana Đilas: Application of Cloud and Blockchain Technologies in the Legal System

Graduate student Ana Đilas defended her master thesis with the title Application of Cloud and Blockchain Technologies in the Legal System Abstract:...

Lazar Marković: Development of Blockchain System for Supply Chain Transaction Tracking

Graduate student Lazar Marković has defended his graduate paper with the title Development of Blockchain System for Supply Chain Transaction Tracking...

Marija Vrljanac: Development of NFT Project for the Fashion Industry

Graduate student Marija Vrljanac defended her final paper with the title Development of NFT Project for the Fashion Industry. Abstract: In this paper...

Ivana Nikolić: Development of a Blockchain Ecosystem for Real Estate

Graduate student Ivana Nikolić defended his master thesis with the title Development of a Blockchain Ecosystem for Real Estate Abstract: The subject...

Danica Softić: Development of an Application for Tracking the Origin of Fashion Items Using Algorand and React Technologies

Graduate student Danica Softić defended his master thesis with the title Development of an Application for Tracking the Origin of Fashion Items Using...

Aleksandra Trpkov: Development of a Blockchain System for the Fashion Industry

Graduate student Aleksandra Trpkov defended his master thesis with the title Development of a Blockchain System for the Fashion Industry...

Vukašin Despotović: Application of NFT in e-business ecosystems

Graduate student  Vukašin Despotović defended his master thesis with the tittle Application of NFT in e-business ecosystems Abstract:...

Petar Lukovac: A smart system for tracking the origin of organic honey based on blockchain technologies

The subject of research of this master thesis is a smart system for tracking the origin of organic honey based on blockchain technologies. In the...