Milica Tomić: Examining the readiness to apply blockchain technology in healthcare

 Milica Tomić: Examining the readiness to apply blockchain technology in healthcare

Undergraduate student Milica Tomić defended her final paper with the title Examining the readiness to apply blockchain technology in healthcare


In this paper, through a couple of chapters, blockchain technology and the way it functions in healthcare are presented in detail. After the introductory chapter, the second chapter of the paper presents in detail the basic concepts of blockchain technology, blockchain protocols and already existing examples of the application of this technology in healthcare. The third chapter of the work is dedicated to the modeling of the blockchain system for healthcare, within which all processes, the way of functioning and the stakeholders participating in the healthcare ecosystem based on the blockchain are processed. At the end, the analysis of the results obtained after the conducted survey of respondents is presented. Based on the obtained results, it isd conclued that among the respondents there is a certain interest in using new technology and that blockchain technology would revolutionize healthcare with an adequate application model.

Full paper can be seen on the LINK