FON Hackathon 2023 by FONIS

The association of informatics students FONIS, with the support of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, organizes the programming competition FON Hackathon. This year, the Hackathon will be held for the 10th anniversary, under the auspices of Ernst & Young.
This competition is intended for all young people between the ages of 16 and 26 who are interested in information technologies, want to expand their knowledge and demonstrate their programming skills. The hackathon will be held on March 18th and 19th, 2023 at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.
Teams consisting of 3 or 4 members will have the task of creating a software solution on a given topic in 24 hours, and after that they will present their ideas and solutions in front of an expert jury, whereby the best teams will be awarded.
In addition, at certain time intervals, during the solution development process, the help of expert mentors made up of experts from the sponsoring company, professors and teaching assistants from FON and alumni members of FONIS will be available to the contestants.
Applications for participation are open from February 20th until March 3rd, on the website, where you can find more information about the competition itself. You can also follow Hackathon notifications on our Instagram profile @fonis_fon.
Embark on an adventure, test your knowledge and test your programming skills in a relaxed atmosphere and fellowship! Don’t wait, apply and prove your potential in the world of IT!